My family of five, plus one fur-child, was passing through Terre Haute for the holidays and my truck broke down. We were four hours from home and still had an eight hour drive to our final destination. Many of the local mechanics we called were too busy to even diagnose my vehicle, but Finzels told us to bring our truck by so they could analyze it. They said they would fix if it they could, and were open and honest about shutting the shop down the following week, meaning that it would be at least a two week process if the repair wasn't a simple fix. After the inspection, they made several attempts to locate the needed parts but could not find them anywhere due to a backlog in orders. At this point, we were stuck with an immobile vehicle, no solution, and pretty far from anywhere we planned or wanted to be! Every staff member at Finzel's began offering up solutions, making phone calls to other mechanics, called the local dealership of my vehicle's manufacturer, and even found me a rental car. I was able to get my truck into the local dealership, who was able to order parts. Finzel's is a professional shop, with very caring people. Even though they weren't able to directly fix my car, they took the time to assist me in finding a solution! Their customer service is superb and would not only recommend them, but would use them myself if I lived closer. Kudos to Steve and his team, and thank you all for everything you did for me and my family!