After my wife hit some road debris on I-70 heading home from Ohio to Oklahoma late one night resulting in some bumper damage, a busted radiator, and a night's stay in a Terre Haute hotel, we knew the next day would require a reputable shop with the capabilities to complete the job and get my wife and three kids back on the road. All I could do was turn to online reviews. Long Story short...the overall VERY POSITIVE reviews for Finzel's were spot on. After my wife drove the car to them, they gave her a ride back to the hotel. Within about 1 hour, they were able to email me the estimate with only the recommendation to fix the radiator (because they know that had to be fixed to make the trip to OK). Once I approved the work, they didn't waste any time getting the work done. When finished, they called my wife, picked her and OUR KIDS up, and got her on the road just before closing. Thanks Finzel's!